Midland’s Open Door desires to see the homeless, hungry and hurting experience the life-transforming power of the gospel of Christ, becoming godly disciples and faithful stewards of all God has given them.
To do this, we meet people at their point of need, transitioning them from a position of crisis to a posture of hope. Next, we walk with them, teaching and modeling how to enjoy God, utilize their gifts to serve others, and live godly, interdependent lives.
Generous Hospitality
Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Emergency AssistanceGenerous Hospitality
Through professional assessments, we identify and prioritize a guest’s individual needs.
Personal Development
Work Programs, Individualized Goal Planning, and Community EngagmentPersonal Development
Through modeling and corrective and constructive instruction, guests are given opportunity for growth.
Application and Accountability
Case Management, Counseling, and Spiritual FormationApplication and Accountability
With weekly accountability, guests are assisted with life application in order to move toward long-term stability and true interdependence.
Midland’s Open Door is recognized by the IRS as a charitable organization under the provision of IRC Section 501(c)(3), therefore donations we receive are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.