Every year nearly 1500 people help serve the homeless, hungry, and hurting in our community through Midland’s Open Door. We could not fulfil our mission without the faithful support of our volunteers. To learn more about our most critical volunteer needs, please call the office at (989)835-2291 or email us at office@midlandopendoor.org.

Take a Tour
One of the best ways to learn about how you can plug into Midland’s Open Door is to take a tour behind the scenes, especially while we’re serving lunch so you can share a meal with us. Call our office at 989-835-2291 and sign up for a tour today!
Drop-In Volunteering
Community members are invited to join us on Thursday afternoons from 2-4 PM in our Soup Kitchen located at 412 W Buttles in downtown Midland as we prepare daily meals for shelter and soup kitchen guests.
Guided Prayer
One of the simplest ways to help Midland’s Open Door and the neighbors we serve together is to lift the ministry up in prayer to our God of transformation and hope. You can find an official, curated guide to praying for the Open Door here.